Alignment: Lawful Good
Symbol: Shield with a Golden Hammer Rampant
Portfolios: Justice, Honorable Combat
Titles: The Hammer of the Gods, Golden Himbro
Doctrine: Stand up for Justice!
Domains: Justice
The former Lawful Good God of Justice and Champions, in life, Credo was an overly bombastic and boisterous but none too bright paladin. Legend says he is a former adventurer that became a god through sheer bravery and dumb luck. In truth, Principius Maximus sponsored his apotheosis as an inept and easily manipulated boor that could hold the portfolio of Justice. When the previous god of Law and Justice, the broken deity that would eventually become the Almsfather, fell, Principius Maximus’s secret infernal nature prevented him from holding Justice as a power. He carried the portfolio of Justice unwittingly and ineffectually for millennia after Principius Maximus stole it from the Almsfather. Credo redeemed himself in the end, dying fighting the Great Devourer, his portfolio of Justice passing to Ahasitari.
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Symbol: A moon sprouting trees from the top and dripping water from below
Portfolios: Elvenkind, Moon, tides, light in dark places, harmony
Titles: The Great Mother of Elves, Moon Matron, the Harmonious Voice
Doctrine: Protect and foster light in dark places, celebrate and spread Elven culture, bring good, beauty, and love to Quinternia
Domains: Twilight, Nature, Peace
By all accounts, Nathelian was one of the first Elves to awaken at the dawn of Quinternia, and from her creation, she served as matron and protector to her people. After her passing, the Elves of Quinternia continued to revere their Great Mother and pass down her teachings. It was said that her guiding light passed to the Quinternian Moon and shined down to keep the night at bay for all people, gaining support among various cultures.
This made the Moon Matron an all-too-tempting target for Dominus Rex in his mission to conquer the pantheon. In a rare showing of divine force, Dominus slew the goddess directly, declaring his opening salvo in a war against the deities of Good. Much of Nathelian’s power and portfolio passed to her spiritual daughter, Primeva.
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Symbol: A hooded skull with glowing or bejeweled eyes
Portfolios: Death, Undeath
Titles: The Untimely Reaper, Lord of Bones, Soul Sovereign
Doctrine: Bring everything to a swift death, preferably in such a way that it leads to Undeath
Domains: Death, Trickery
Little scholarship remains of Necrodeus, his origins, or followers. What little esoteric, forbidden lore that actually exists that mentions him by name only does so in relation to his slaying by al-Haj, whom then usurped his portfolio of Death for the good of the world. Even the Hajii tales only paint him in broad strokes as a vile, evil deity bent on corrupting the world into a state of perpetual undeath. Any nuance beyond this is lost to history. Those close to the inner circle of Radiant Aegis may have heard rumor of the discovery and permanent re-banishment of his shade at great personal cost to St. Tirsa, though she reached apotheosis before transcribing the tale into song (or chose not to).
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Symbol: A wooden rod or staff bearing carved depictions of flora and fauna, preferably native to the same region as the wood.
Portfolios: Nature, Plants, Wild Beasts, Fey that recognize the gods
Titles: The Wild One, the Oaken Huntress
Doctrine: Blessings upon those that live in harmony and conservation with Nature, slay and eat those that don't.
Domains: Nature, Healing
Often personified as a beautiful, naked fey woman, either with antlers and cloven hooves to those who follow her, or bloody fangs and claws for those that anger her, Primeva was often counted fickle. To those that followed her, she merely reflected back upon individuals how they chose to live in nature, either as a regal but docile herbivore or a ferocious apex predator. Primeva died fighting the Great Devourer, her portfolio passing to Agrimar during the Reordinance.
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Symbol: A great book of law, its cover closed and inscrutable to the masses
Portfolios: Law, Bureaucracy, Weather, and Resurrection
Titles: The Supreme Justice, The Letter of the Law, Guardian of Civilization
Doctrine: Follow the letter of the law to perfection. Manipulate the letter of the law to suit your purposes
Domains: Law, Knowledge
Eons ago, an arch devil of the Nine Hells referred to as Dominus Rex discovered a loophole in the Divine Writs of the pantheon of the material plane Quinternia, allowing one to sue a deity for dereliction of duty in upholding their portfolios. Through a clever bit of legal legerdemain, he successfully sued the former lawful good deity of law and justice, usurping his domain and portfolio, breaking him so thoroughly and metaphysically that his name burned itself from existence of all time. Taking up the mantle Principius Maximus, the new god of Law set about to establish the supremacy of his new church on Quinternia, and for millennia succeeded. As his previously infernal nature prevented him from taking up the portfolio of Justice, he raised up a mighty but clueless mortal paladin, Credo Bombasticus, to hold Justice for him, while at the same time not doing anything to actually support Justice in the world. During the Reordinance, the mortal lawyer Ahasitari Swansong used his own laws against him, suing for him to be cast down and revealed as a devil, casting him down and dispersing his portfolios to more worthy individuals, taking Law and Justice for herself. While not technically dead, he returned to the Hells defeated, disgraced, and demoted, a pathetic shell of his former self.