Waldan Dragonsbane, Tirsa Kairon, Pol Lakesir, Rolen Glynhorn, and Klyntar the Gatekeeper
Originally a mercenary company – or free company, as they preferred to call themselves – founded by Darius Kairon in 1349 AB. Radiant Aegis counted many heroes of the Second Eidolon War among its ranks. Now an elite and storied unit of the New Radiance military, its specialty is in utilizing airship mobility to defend the republic against uncommon or supernatural threats.
The group of heroes who led Radiant Aegis during the Second Eidolon War became known as the Radiant Fist. They are still honored figures of the Republic for their roles in its founding.
General Tirsa Kairon
Tirsa Kairon – the first General of New Radiance, paladin of the Great Wanderer, influential Hajii chieftain, and widow of the company's storied founder, Darius Kairon, Tirsa took on the mantle of command midway through the Second Eidolon War, overseeing a Hajii liberation campaign in Shadowfell before leading Radiant Aegis at the battles of Cinderton and Vergence. A skilled warrior, her strong tactical intuition, keen political awareness, and preternatural voice for stirring oration made her popular among both civilians and the rank-and-file. Full of artistic passion and a belief in self-determination, her vision for a republic was sometimes criticized as too idealistic, especially by those who preferred she rule with a strong arm as New Radiance's first queen.
Lord Pol Lakesir – An original founder of Radiant Aegis alongside Darius, Wadan, and Rolen. Held the position of High Mage within the organization, seeing to the arcane needs of the group. He ran the magical forces of the free company, as well as the functional head of its small but potent air fleet. As a mage he was often seen as aloof, yet that was due to his many duties not leaving him time to mingle. He is known for bending his magical skills to constructing much of the infrastructure of early New Radiance.
Waldan Dragonsbane – An original founder of Radiant Aegis, First Ranger, and leader of the Windwalkers. He is very active in the community around Fort Waldan and Hightower as well as scouting and mapping the lands around the Benevolence River and beyond. He and the Windwalkers assist settlers to find homes in New Radiance and encourage them to work together to raise crops for the territory as well as to sell to those in the North. They also spend several weeks each winter blessing the lands of those that ask it of them. Waldan also tends to a herd of Aurochs that roam unsettled parts of the hills north of his distillery.
Archon Rolen Glynhorn – An original founder of Radiant Aegis, Rolen came to join the adventuring party consisting of Darius, Waldan, and Pol after their previous cleric, Norman - a high-Cleric of Ahasitari - had unfortunately met his untimely end by way of alligator. Currently holding the position of Archon of Isthalia, Rolen has steadily climbed the pantheon of Quinternia through bravery in battle and well-timed recovered magic artifacts given to the Church of Ahasitari for safe-keeping and official use. Rolen is the only known Cleric to have been seduced by both Ahasitari and Isthalia (although not at the same time, alas), giving him a 18% success rate among current Pantheon Gods. Watch your six, Thinwe.