The vast flood lands to the south and east of Khazad Ungart, known as Old Summerville in ancient times, had for centuries been claimed by the Great Wyrm Queen, L'Vreth the Black. The mighty dragon ruled her blackscale lizardfolk from beneath the brackish waters of ruined Old Benevolence: it was only fear of Pyroclandaxan and the tenacity of the Ungarts that kept her northward expansion in check. That changed during the Second Eidolon War, when she became emboldened by an abyssal alliance which sent a foul, creeping, ochre into Reclamation territory, and any who touched the corrupting blight quickly lost themselves to an emergent fiendish possession.
Even before the ochre, the hostile and poisonous swamps of L’Vreth had long been written off as uninhabitable by the fairer races of Quinternia, so there was no hesitation from Reclamation command when Radiant Aegis’ requested title to the Old Summerville territory in exchange for the lucrative production rights to a revolutionary anti-ochre potion, Rolade, created by the mercenaries’ Isthalian priest, Rolen Glynhorn.
Months later, the financial gambit paid off when Radiant Aegis’ troops routed the blackscales at the Battle of Shipwreck Grotto while its champions simultaneously coordinated with the Scales of Vengeance to slay L’Vreth after luring her away from her lair. Upon the dragon’s death, the ochre retreated along with much of the dragon-induced swampland, leaving wide swaths of fertile fields along the banks of the Benevolence River – land that was now under the mercenaries' control.
Subsequently, Radiant Aegis poured both gold and manpower into achieving one of the primary goals of the Reclamation: resettling the starving masses of Cinderton's Canvas Fields. They named their state New Radiance, promising ownership of a generous farmstead to any willing to travel south and work the land. Over the following years, an agrarian community quickly sprung up around a handful of well-defended settlements, and at the conclusion of the Second Eidolon War, trade even began to flourish under the auspices of renewed Hajii caravans.
As a government took shape, Radiant Aegis ceded most of its land to a civilian authority, seemingly content to sustain itself with favorable contracts as the region’s de facto defenders. The experiences of the earliest settlers – those from Cinderton and Shadowfell – along with the insistence of the free company's leaders, led to the formation of a fledgling republic which proclaimed that all its people would be equal under the law of Ahasitari: in both letter and in practice.
Today, New Radiance’s citizens tend to respect ability over wealth or purity of bloodline, though there still exist many resource-driven tensions within its borders. Fishermen, farmers, tradesmen, warriors, and entrepreneurs of all stripes look upon the virgin land with ambition, their interests often at odds with each other, or with those of the native lizardfolk and resurgent fey. Above all, New Radiance remains a rugged frontier of promise unrealized, and it calls out to those with imagination and grand dreams, challenging each arriving settler to stake an inspired claim on its future.
Formerly the ruined site of Old Summerville, New Radiance's walled capital city and largest population center, houses its citizens upon the southern bank of the Benevolence River. Its culture is diverse, with strong influences from Cinderton's merchant and lower classes, as well as the Hajii, many of whom formerly lived in exile within the Shadowfell.
Solstice serves as the seat of the governing High Council and also the major courts of Ahasitari which interpret its law. It is the home of the Republic's military command structure, with both government offices and Radiant Aegis' headquarters behind its walls. Isthalian influence is also strong: a massive cathedral to the goddess dominates the central square, beckoning those of various martial traditions to enter and partake of her three virtues.
Although it possesses a river port, making the city a bustling trade nexus, Solstice’s true value can be found in its surrounding agrarian community. Blessed with warm summers, mild winters, and silt deposits from spring flooding, the many farms surrounding the city benefit from what may be the most fertile land in all of Quinternia.
Twilight’s Crossing is many things to Republic of New Radiance: principle location of magical education, a choke-point to control trade on the river, center of airship construction, and the only crossing of the Benevolence River for foot traffic.
The heart of the city lies in a massive dwarven built bridge crossing the Benevolence River anchored to a small island, Tranquil Island, located at the center of the river. The small city not only utilizes the bridge for crossing but, due to its massive size, hosts almost the entire population. Farms and orchards spread out north and south of the city providing fresh produce to the growing city.
Not the first settlement in New Radiance – that honor belongs to Fort Hope – but Fort Waldan was the intended first large settlement as nexus for settlement of the region and as a point for further expansion down the Benevolence River. As New Radiance has expanded, Fort Waldan is still one of the largest settlements. A center of agriculture and overland trade to Khazad Ungart, the Mistvales, and other populated areas reclaimed by the Reclamation.
Nestled at the end of the Jagr Hills along the Benevolence River, Fort Waldan is the central administration point for the region, and often the first destination for settlers arriving from the Mistvales.